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Aug, 2020

Return To Play Policies and Procedures

SELSC Return to Soccer Activity Guidelines
In coordination with Ohio Travel Soccer
League (OHTSL), the State of Ohio mandates
and recommendations, Force Sports, and
Senders Pediatrics (a large local Pediatric
practice supporting our communities), the
following are our guidelines for the Fall 2020
soccer season:

Preparing for If/When Someone Gets Sick
1. Educate our audiences and staff to recognize the signs and
2. In the case of infection, notify state and local health officials as well
as close contacts
3. In the case of infection, follow state and local health and safety
4. In the case of a positive test to a player/coach, both the club and
OHTSL should be notified
5. If a team member/coach contracts COVID-19, all training sessions
should be canceled for that team and any additional team associated
with that coach/team for 14 days
General Field Protocols:
1. Increase space between fields to provide better social distancing and
reduce crowding
2. Reduce the number of people on site in one area at any one time to
promote social distancing

3. Should not utilize travel team benches as they do not promote social
4. Should space out game start times in order to reduce cross traffic in
and out of fields
5. Players should not arrive to their field earlier than 5 minutes prior to
their scheduled arrival time

General Health and Safety Operational Protocols:
1. Provide community members clear communications of
expectations/protocols (see Google Slide)
2. Train coaches and team managers on your club’s protocols and
guidelines (see Google Slide)
3. All players and coaches should do a temperature self-check prior to
each practice/game
4. If a person has a temperature, they should not play in games or
5. Anyone who feels sick or has any symptoms of COVID should not
attend practice/games
6. Anyone who has had close contact with a COVID positive person
should not attend practice/games
7. All people planning to be on site should bring their own face
coverings, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, hydration and food.
8. Anyone who becomes sick during the event should leave the facility
9. Do not allow players or parents to congregate in parking lots, at drop
off zones, facility entrances/exits before or after a training session or
League Participant Guidelines: Players and Coaches:

1. Do not allow any team member(s) with symptoms to attend any
league games or trainings
2. If you are sick, feeling sick or have a temperature, you must not
attend practice/games
3. Players and coaches should remain in their vehicles until the
designated time to enter the facility (to allow teams/supporters of
previous games to leave the facility)
4. Players and coaches should wear face coverings between the
parking lot and the field
5. Players in the team area may remove face coverings during active
warm up and while actively participating in the match/or training
6. Players should wear a face covering when not actively playing and on
the sideline
7. Coaches should wear face coverings when addressing players in
close proximity. Coach(es) and players should maintain social
distancing during half time, water breaks and at all times when off the
field of play.
8. Coaches and players should maintain social distancing in the “bench
area” as well as before and after games
9. Do not share water bottles, drinks or food or any personal items
10. Hand contact of any kind should not occur (handshakes, high fives,
fist bumps etc.)
11. Soccer balls should be disinfected before, during and after each
12. Pinnies will not be permitted during training sessions. Can use
dark/light shirts as alternate (each player brings their own)
13. No spitting will be allowed on the field, sidelines, or anywhere else
14. Players/coaches should bring their own hydration and not share food
or beverages with others
15. Coaches should not exchange any documents with the referee(s)
16. Tents or tarps may be used only in the technical areas to shield
players from the sun and heat. It is recommended to bring enough

tents so that all players may be in the shade while maintaining proper
social distancing
17. Everyone should cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing
(recommend covering mouth with the nape of the elbow)
18. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with hands
19. Players or coach should sanitize their hands each time they come off
the field
20. All coaches and players should launder clothes, uniforms, and vests
immediately after games
21. Coaches need to enforce social distancing on the sidelines for
Parents and Spectators
1. We strongly recommend that only two (2) parents/supporters per player attend
game. Only immediate family will be allowed at games.
2. All spectators must adhere to CDC and Ohio State Department of Health
assemblage and distance guidelines
3. Anyone with symptoms (fever, cough, etc.) should not attend games or trainings
4. Spectators should bring personal hand sanitizer and wipes to games
5. All spectators must wear a face covering traveling while between the parking lots
and the fields
6. Spectators should be separated to comply with all social distancing guidelines (6
feet apart)
7. Face coverings should be worn on all parents and spectators attending
games/trainings (per the Ohio Department of Health Recommendations)
8. Spectators should be located on the same side (directly across) of field as the
team they support to reduce interaction between competing teams and their
9. Anyone feeling sick should leave the facility immediately
10.Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with their hands whenever possible
11.Tents, tarps or large group structures will not be permitted in the spectator areas
of sidelines
12.It is strongly recommended that people over 65 &/or with pre-existing conditions
do not attend
13.All supporters should maintain social distancing on the sidelines (minimum of 6 ft.

14.If your child or anyone in your household has any symptoms, even mild ones,
public health urges you to stay home
15.Parents should notify your club immediately if your child has become sick
16.Parents should double check player’s equipment, as coaches should not have
“backup” equipment for player use
17.Spectators are not allowed to retrieve soccer balls that go out of play for either

COVID Related Game Information:
1. There will be no pre-game check-in by the referee and player passes will not be
handed back and forth between adults. If a player is questioned for age, the
coach will produce a player pass from 6 feet of distance and show it to the
opposing team’s coach or the player will not be allowed to compete.
2. Teams should not cross to the opposing team’s half of the field during warm-ups
3. Any mandatory, community/facility COVID specific policies must be
communicated to the opposing team 48 hours in advance (ie: required temp
checks/mask requirement/etc)
4. There will be no pre-game captains meeting. The away team will take the ball
first and the home team will pick sides first.
5. Players should wear a mask from the parking lot to the field and vice versa.
6. Players should wear a mask on the sidelines when not in the game. Players are
allowed to catch their breath and take a drink of water before they put their mask
7. Players are permitted to wear a mask on the field if they so choose. The mask
must be cloth and go around the ears, it should not have metal pieces or be
around the neck.
8. Players must maintain 6-feet while on the sidelines. No travel benches utilized on
the sidelines.
9. Coaches should wear a mask unless social distance from players/refs/coaches at
all times.

10.Spectators should wear a mask unless social distance from players/refs/coaches
at all times.
11.If the ball goes out of bounds a player should retrieve the ball. Spectators,
coaches, and the referee are not to pick up the game ball.
12.Players and coaches are not to line up and shake hands after the game.
13.Ref money should be provided in an envelope / ziploc bag.
14.If you have a COVID related concern, or have a positive case to report, please
email [email protected] someone will get back to you within 48 hours.
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